Sunday, March 21, 2010

Finding a Good Hairdresser

Why is finding a good hairdresser like going on a quest for the holy grail?

Any black woman knows that finding a good, reliable, and decently priced hairdresser is damn hard to find. What I want to know is why the hell does this have to be the case? Why is it that if you find some place relatively cheap the only thing you can count on them to do is burn the sh!t out of your scalp?...and God forbid you were foolish enough to trust them with some scissors. Why is it that we go to Hispanic hairdressers to do our hair? Nothing against Hispanic hairdressers...but their hair is not like mine. My reason for writing this post is that I finally found a good hairdresser that A) Does a great job and B) is decently priced. For all of you still in search of the holy grail out there because you've relocated, you're more broke than before, or your tired of your hairdressers bs, I've got some tips for you:

Ask Around
The next person you see with some fly ass healthy hair, go ahead and ask them where they got it done. When asking always remember to ask the name of the place, town that it's in, phone number(any smart girl should have her hairdressers number saved in her phone), and most importantly THE NAME OF THE SPECIFIC HAIRDRESSER THAT DID HER HAIR
*Not all hairdressers are created equal
One hairdresser in that shop can be a hot ass mess while another can be your savior

...and that's really the best tip I can offer anyone.

Happy Hunting!

~Peace Love & Chocolate

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Spidey Sense

Smh at yall

In my dealings with the opposite sex, I've encountered some nonsensical things. This perplexes me because as much as us females claim to be confused by your actions, I have to honestly say the men are straight forward for the most part. It's usually our expectations and false hopes that can lead to miscommunication, tomfoolery, and bullshittery. Usually if you stop for a second and really look at the situation for what it is, instead of what you would like it to be, a dude will be relatively straight forward as to what he's looking for and what he's about. Not to say there aren't some expert con artists out there...but truth is that most people aren't that cleaver. I digress....

What I really wanted to discuss is a guy's Spidey Sense. They have an inexplicable ability to pop up right when you thought you were done with them...kinda like a roach that you thought you killed with Lysol, only to kind that it didn't really die. I once had a dude that I hadn't heard from in weeks blow up my phone like the world was gonna end, right when I was moving onto someone new. Like really dude? How did you know this? How do yall know just the right time to pop up when the end is near? It's just kinda amazing to me.

~ Peace Love & Chocolate

Monday, March 1, 2010

The Master Procrastinator

They say the first step to finding a cure is admitting the problem right? So here it goes...I have become a Master at procrastinating. I believe I first began to perfect my craft in college when I suddenly had the most time in the world as well as the most work in the world. Suddenly everything wasn't clearly mapped out for me and I found it necessary to watch every single show on fox or abuse the hell out of surfthechannel. However, even I eventually learned the error of my ways. The key to becoming a Master at procrastination is that you have to find a way to make your procrastination functional. I've actually gotten into the habit of avoiding one important task by tackling another important task. However, before I mastered the art of procrastination I spent way too much time partaking in nonsensical activities like:

Facebook is the devil...I repeat, Facebook is the devil. Never have I encountered something that could take up so much of my time on a consistent basis and add nothing of value to my life. Why must we have the urge to make every cool picture taken of us our next profile picture? Why do we fiend for Farmville or Mafia Wars? Why do we think its okay to find out what someone is doing with their life by checking out their wall instead of picking up the phone? Facebook is just a lie...plain and simple.

My best friend and worst enemy. The only place where I've been able to find all the episodes of Weeds and Reboot and countless other shows that I've honestly never cared about. The first one to introduce me to Step Brothers, one of the funniest movies I've ever seen. The only thing that sucks about STC is Mega Video. Damn you and your 72 minutes! ::shakes angry fist::

This is where I go to get my HD ish. No time limits either, just annoying commericals. All the Family Guy, American Dad, Kitchen Nightmares, Desperate Housewives, and Heroes that I want...and the list goes on.

Once these things began ruining my life, I learned to make the situation better for myself. Now instead of avoiding a task by doing meaningless things, I'll actually replace it with productivity. For example, if I didn't feel like doing a problem set at the particular moment I would study for another subject, or call up a friend to stay in touch, or eat to give my body much need nourishment. All these things were actually productive to my life or well being and after I was done, I can back with a better attitude to get work done.

Hello, my names is Soso and I can justify anything!

~ Peace Love & Chocolate