Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Stop Playing the Victim

I must say that I've heard this phrase more than once from a certain individual and it's annoying as sheit...but it's true. Over the years I, as well as a good number of my friends, have constantly bitched and complained about what people do to us and how unhappy it makes us. Whether we're talking about friends, potential boos, ex-boos, current boos, buddies we wish were boos,'s the same old story.

Future Cat Lady #1: Girl I can't understand why boo keeps on doing this to me.
Potential Cat Lady #2: Have you tried talking to him about it?
Future Cat Lady #1: I've thought about it, but now that I think about it it's not really that big a deal. I just need to get over it.
Potential Cat Lady #2: Okay girl...whatever you say.

It is true that sometimes we need to take a step back from the situation and think about it, because sometimes it's not that serious. However, when someone is constantly effecting you in a negative way by their behavior and actions, you've got to say something. This whole, I'm so nice a considerate all the time why can't they treat me the same way ish has to go. In my experiences, it doesn't matter how good you treat someone unless you let them know how you want to be treated. And sometimes, after you tell someone how you want to be treated they still for some reason might not care. At that point it's time to say buh-bye. I know the fear of losing someone is real, but I'd rather be alone than constantly bothered and unhappy. It is I alone who dictates who stays in my life and how to allocate my time. Negative investments will swiftly be let go.

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