Friday, February 26, 2010

Dating Do's and Dont's

I personally don't really like dating, but I heard it's one of those necessary evils you have to go through if you don't wanna wind up a spinster...idk. The thought of spending a predetermined amount of time with someone you don't really know that well and having to worry about coming off a certain way if you ever want to see them again is just extremely awkward to me. I'm more of the make friends and see where it goes type chick. Anywho, there are things that dudes do that I like and hate when dating and I though I should share.


When a guy can hold a door open for you amongst other chivalrous things, it just wins. Manners and consideration go and long way in my book.

Humor is sexy and I don't think I can stress this enough. Anybody that can make me laugh gets automatic cool points and can really salvage a bad situation.

I'm a sucker for these! Being told I smell nice, or I'm pretty, or cool will automatically make me matter what.


I know what it's like to be broke and no I really don't expect for everything to be paid for. However, if the meal is less than $10 and you offered to take me out, pay for that ish #cmonson #cheapbastard

Being on Your Phone
I'm a confessed attention whore so if you take your phone out when we're alone I WILL be offended. If you check it really quick okay, but if you're really on it when it's only the two of us then that's an EPIC FAIL. I just really don't like it.

Communication is a two way street so no, I don't only wanna hear about you for two hours. I do love listening to people, but I also really enjoy when someone takes a noticeable interest in me and my life. Scratch that, I love it when someone is genuinely interested in what I have to say and makes me feel like it.

Peace Love & Chocolate

Monday, February 22, 2010

Enjoy Your Life Mofo!

"Any day above ground is a good day."

I've heard this quote a couple of times from different people, so I can't give credit to it's actual origin...but it's soooo true. Sometimes life really sucks. For example...bills suck, some other people just generally suck, accidents suck, failures and setbacks suck. Even though a lot of things in this world may suck, I truly believe the highs in life outweigh the lows. Even though breaking up sucks, people still seek out relationships knowing good and well that it might not work out...why? Because the happiness of being with the right person outweighs the heartache you may experience in finding them.

Anywho, when things suck I like realize that any day above ground is a good day and just like crappy shit had the opportunity to does unbelievable awesomeness. I have the opportunity to spend time with cool ass people, drink tasty drinks, and laugh at stuff like this...

I don't know what about that had me in tears the first time I saw just did. Smile, laugh, and "enjoy yourself, b*tches."

~ Peace Love & Chocolate

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Soldier of Love finally came out...Yipeee!

I ain't gonna lie, it's a little emo...but I love it. In this day and age where we are swamped with commercial doo doo garbage, it's refreshing to hear someone that speaks from their heart instead of being fueled by the almighty dollar. After everything is said and done, true quality reigns supreme and is ever lasting. I have no problem waiting another 10 years.

~ Peace Love & Chocolate

Monday, February 15, 2010


Life is slowly making me believe that peace is an intangible thing. Maybe it's only meant to be experienced in brief stolen moments. Like when you get to feel the warmth and softness of someone's skin or listen closely to the beat of their heart and depth of their breaths. When you're able close your eyes and listen to each rain drop hit the rooftop. When you're able to take in the beauty of the sunset and observe how the colors contrast the city skyline. Maybe true peace is reserved for the time when we leave this earth. Maybe God gives us glimpses of this peace through the connections we share with people, the beauty we see in nature, and the passion we hold in our hearts.

~ Peace Love & Chocolate

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Incredible Hulkette

You won't like me when I'm angry!!!

...or maybe you will. Hehe ;-)

Anyone who knows me knows I'm a really chill person. The untrained and foolish might even mistake me for boring(this has happened before). It turns out that the poor confused individual just didn't know how to have fun with me. I have the tendency to give everyone a chance even if I don't think things will go very far between us. So, while I'm hanging in there, people will see my attention waivering(I'm horrible at hiding how I really feel) and may think...hmmm this is kinda boring. just may kinda suck a little. Anywho, bottom line is that I try to be as calm cool and collected as I can be in all situations. Once you lose your cool, you lose your control and there's absolutely nothing sexy about that at all...or so I've thought.

Is it me or do guys like a girl more when she gets mad? I've had a dude purposefully try to get me angry just because he thought it would be sexy to see me in that state. Well he just ended up failing and never got a chance to see me like that. can yall be so predictable and make no sense at the same time?

Caramel in the summer...but never green(execpt for a few special circumstances that I won't share bc people love to get under my skin for some reason)

~Peace Love & Chocolate