Monday, February 22, 2010

Enjoy Your Life Mofo!

"Any day above ground is a good day."

I've heard this quote a couple of times from different people, so I can't give credit to it's actual origin...but it's soooo true. Sometimes life really sucks. For example...bills suck, some other people just generally suck, accidents suck, failures and setbacks suck. Even though a lot of things in this world may suck, I truly believe the highs in life outweigh the lows. Even though breaking up sucks, people still seek out relationships knowing good and well that it might not work out...why? Because the happiness of being with the right person outweighs the heartache you may experience in finding them.

Anywho, when things suck I like realize that any day above ground is a good day and just like crappy shit had the opportunity to does unbelievable awesomeness. I have the opportunity to spend time with cool ass people, drink tasty drinks, and laugh at stuff like this...

I don't know what about that had me in tears the first time I saw just did. Smile, laugh, and "enjoy yourself, b*tches."

~ Peace Love & Chocolate

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