Saturday, May 15, 2010

Life Lessons

This post was spurred on by my closest friends upsetting me, which they do a lot less often than they used to, but they still do it from time to time. In this particular instance, I got over it in 10 minutes. I looked at what they did, stored it in my memory bank of other things they've done, and adjusted my assessment of what type of person they are and my expectations of them. That's drama, no drawn out hard feelings, no big discussions, just keeping it simple and stress free...bc that's how I like to live now. This way of living is very different from how I used to be 5+ years ago...which brings me to my main point: I'm growing up! Yay me! In the process of growing up I've learned some valuable life lessons about people and about myself that allow me to function with minimal stress n drama n bullshittery are some of the most important ones:

People will ultimately do what they want

Basically people are constantly motivated by their own selfish desires. This is not me being pessimistic, its just real. People usually seek out your company, not because they think you might want to spend time with them, but because they want to spend time with you. People begin and end relationships not because they want to ensure your happiness...but because they want to pursue their own. The list can go on and on because that's just generally how we treat each other. It's not necessarily wrong, it's just how we survive. We have to make sure our own needs are met because in most instances we are not put in a position where other people will do this for us. On the flip side I have no problem postponing my desires for someone who's proven they're worth the investment...and most people are able to do this as well.

I am not as perfect as I thought I was

I've always known I wasn't perfect, but I did have a hard time seeing when I was really wrong. I'm stubborn and I believe in myself...what can I say? ::kanye shrug:: But seriously, I believe a huge part in being able to become a better person is realizing who you really are (the good and bad) and figuring out what positive changes you want to and CAN make about yourself. Everybody has negative traits that are just a part of them and in a weird way contribute to what make them great. So learn what to embrace and what you might want to improve upon. There's nothing like something knocking you down to the bottom to make you figure out what it takes to get to to the top (Thank you Alma Mater ::insert bbm sarcastic face here::)

The world is cyclical and connected

I'm a firm believer that life always tries to achieve some sort of balance. For example, if some awful thing happened to you there just might be some major lesson to learn from it or future joy it might bring that you just can't see yet. If you're unbelievably blessed with opportunity, that might be a sign that you're meant to pay it forward to other people. When you think you've lost something, that might just be an opportunity to allow for something new. This also goes for all of our advances as a society. For everything we gain, something is lost...I think we just find that out too late in most cases. Maybe its just the nerd in me because in algebra...whatever you do on one side of the equal must do on the other.

Of course there are loads more, but that's it for now.

~ Peace Love & Chocolate

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Where Did the Quality Go?

Kudos to anyone that can find him

No really...where did all of the good music go? Did it go into hiding? Is it playing a game? Because if you are good's okay to come out now.

I'm spending tonight chilling and doing one of my favorite things in world...listening to good 90's R&B. The 90s...when Auto Tune didn't run rampant and groups weren't necessarily successful due to their sex appeal...but they were successful because they could sing and their lyrics were deep and creative. Groups like Dru Hill, New Edition, Boyz II Men, Jagged Edge, Blackstreet, and 112 just to name a few had actual quality and you could listen to their songs with your mom without watching her raise an eyebrow. People sang about being in love and making love, not pimping and f*ckin. Artists were more creative and thoughtful about their lyrics but still mad the message very clear.

Is it that the masses just really don't want music like this anymore, or is the machine stuffing what they want us to hear down our throats on the radio so much that we grow to like it? I feel like I hear Rude Boy about 20 times a day catchy song, but I promise you no one will be listening to it 10 years from now. We exist in a time of disposability and not sustainabilty. Shout out to the artists since '02 still trying to stand for something.

Really feeling this Erykah Badu album btw. I want a window seat...except I wouldn't mind some company ;-)

~ Peace Love & Chocolate

Sunday, May 2, 2010

pop LOCK and drop it

So after a long time of careful consideration I have decided to go natural again...yay! The last time I was natural was roughly 3 years ago(fb friends can check out the Little Afro that Could album) after I had braids in for so long that I neglected to perm it. I miss the fluffiness, the strength, the versatility, and just over all embracing the hair I was born with. I also dislike having to put chemicals on my scalp every 6 weeks that break the natural bonds of my hair follicles that may leave me scared if it stays on for too long. I might consider locking it or doing sisterlocks, still don't know at this point. You can do so many different things to hair that I consider it to be another exciting change. My inspiration is Toni Morrison...this woman has beautiful grey locks down to her arse. One day my great grand children will swing from my wonderful locks while I twirl my hubbies grey locked up beard. lol

~ Peace Love & Chocolate

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Yin & Yang

Things that make me wanna kick baby dolphins:
- Facebook
- Dumbasses with authority
- The wind
- Men
- Getting up early on the weekends
- Paying for bad drinks at the club
- Having my scalp burned by the creamy crack
- Avoidable drama
- Being too broke to function properly

Things that make me smile:
- Chocolate
- Small furry animals
- Good poetry
- Neo Soul
- Funny people
- Men
- Meeting goals
- Clubbing with no coat check
- Sunshine
- The beach
- Family
- Friends
- The sound of raindrops against my window
- Feeling important and appreciated

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Tis the Season

As the warm weather approaches my soul is truly filled with joy. Sometimes I wake up and stand outside and just smile because the sun is out and the sky is blue. Tis the season for skirts, no more freakin coat checks at the club, and beach eye candy. However, this is also a strategic time for breakups...Yup I said it. This is when people either break up or become seriously boo'd up. The other time of the year when this tends to happen is right before the holidays. These happenings actually have very logical explainations:

Two facts of life: Temptation is a bish and with the summer comes all types of nekkedness. When one is done with all that winter cuddling and sees skin and curves that were once hidden beneath layers of down, scarves, and begins to rethink their relationship. It's not uncommon for people to choose to free themselves for guilt free conquering and pillaging.

The holidays are a very sweet memorable time...but we all know that they can be expensive as hell ESPECIALLY when you're boo'd up. Nothing makes you re-evaluate your relationship more than when you have to choose between getting your less than stellar boyfriend the expensive ass thing he's always wanted and paying your phone bill so you can BBM your heart other words, you'll be doing the Single Ladies dance.

For all that choose to stick with it...that says something...Go You! Love is a beautiful thing, but freedom is freakin awesome as well. Frolicking in the sun till further notice.

~ Peace Love & Chocolate

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Finding a Good Hairdresser

Why is finding a good hairdresser like going on a quest for the holy grail?

Any black woman knows that finding a good, reliable, and decently priced hairdresser is damn hard to find. What I want to know is why the hell does this have to be the case? Why is it that if you find some place relatively cheap the only thing you can count on them to do is burn the sh!t out of your scalp?...and God forbid you were foolish enough to trust them with some scissors. Why is it that we go to Hispanic hairdressers to do our hair? Nothing against Hispanic hairdressers...but their hair is not like mine. My reason for writing this post is that I finally found a good hairdresser that A) Does a great job and B) is decently priced. For all of you still in search of the holy grail out there because you've relocated, you're more broke than before, or your tired of your hairdressers bs, I've got some tips for you:

Ask Around
The next person you see with some fly ass healthy hair, go ahead and ask them where they got it done. When asking always remember to ask the name of the place, town that it's in, phone number(any smart girl should have her hairdressers number saved in her phone), and most importantly THE NAME OF THE SPECIFIC HAIRDRESSER THAT DID HER HAIR
*Not all hairdressers are created equal
One hairdresser in that shop can be a hot ass mess while another can be your savior

...and that's really the best tip I can offer anyone.

Happy Hunting!

~Peace Love & Chocolate

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Spidey Sense

Smh at yall

In my dealings with the opposite sex, I've encountered some nonsensical things. This perplexes me because as much as us females claim to be confused by your actions, I have to honestly say the men are straight forward for the most part. It's usually our expectations and false hopes that can lead to miscommunication, tomfoolery, and bullshittery. Usually if you stop for a second and really look at the situation for what it is, instead of what you would like it to be, a dude will be relatively straight forward as to what he's looking for and what he's about. Not to say there aren't some expert con artists out there...but truth is that most people aren't that cleaver. I digress....

What I really wanted to discuss is a guy's Spidey Sense. They have an inexplicable ability to pop up right when you thought you were done with them...kinda like a roach that you thought you killed with Lysol, only to kind that it didn't really die. I once had a dude that I hadn't heard from in weeks blow up my phone like the world was gonna end, right when I was moving onto someone new. Like really dude? How did you know this? How do yall know just the right time to pop up when the end is near? It's just kinda amazing to me.

~ Peace Love & Chocolate

Monday, March 1, 2010

The Master Procrastinator

They say the first step to finding a cure is admitting the problem right? So here it goes...I have become a Master at procrastinating. I believe I first began to perfect my craft in college when I suddenly had the most time in the world as well as the most work in the world. Suddenly everything wasn't clearly mapped out for me and I found it necessary to watch every single show on fox or abuse the hell out of surfthechannel. However, even I eventually learned the error of my ways. The key to becoming a Master at procrastination is that you have to find a way to make your procrastination functional. I've actually gotten into the habit of avoiding one important task by tackling another important task. However, before I mastered the art of procrastination I spent way too much time partaking in nonsensical activities like:

Facebook is the devil...I repeat, Facebook is the devil. Never have I encountered something that could take up so much of my time on a consistent basis and add nothing of value to my life. Why must we have the urge to make every cool picture taken of us our next profile picture? Why do we fiend for Farmville or Mafia Wars? Why do we think its okay to find out what someone is doing with their life by checking out their wall instead of picking up the phone? Facebook is just a lie...plain and simple.

My best friend and worst enemy. The only place where I've been able to find all the episodes of Weeds and Reboot and countless other shows that I've honestly never cared about. The first one to introduce me to Step Brothers, one of the funniest movies I've ever seen. The only thing that sucks about STC is Mega Video. Damn you and your 72 minutes! ::shakes angry fist::

This is where I go to get my HD ish. No time limits either, just annoying commericals. All the Family Guy, American Dad, Kitchen Nightmares, Desperate Housewives, and Heroes that I want...and the list goes on.

Once these things began ruining my life, I learned to make the situation better for myself. Now instead of avoiding a task by doing meaningless things, I'll actually replace it with productivity. For example, if I didn't feel like doing a problem set at the particular moment I would study for another subject, or call up a friend to stay in touch, or eat to give my body much need nourishment. All these things were actually productive to my life or well being and after I was done, I can back with a better attitude to get work done.

Hello, my names is Soso and I can justify anything!

~ Peace Love & Chocolate

Friday, February 26, 2010

Dating Do's and Dont's

I personally don't really like dating, but I heard it's one of those necessary evils you have to go through if you don't wanna wind up a spinster...idk. The thought of spending a predetermined amount of time with someone you don't really know that well and having to worry about coming off a certain way if you ever want to see them again is just extremely awkward to me. I'm more of the make friends and see where it goes type chick. Anywho, there are things that dudes do that I like and hate when dating and I though I should share.


When a guy can hold a door open for you amongst other chivalrous things, it just wins. Manners and consideration go and long way in my book.

Humor is sexy and I don't think I can stress this enough. Anybody that can make me laugh gets automatic cool points and can really salvage a bad situation.

I'm a sucker for these! Being told I smell nice, or I'm pretty, or cool will automatically make me matter what.


I know what it's like to be broke and no I really don't expect for everything to be paid for. However, if the meal is less than $10 and you offered to take me out, pay for that ish #cmonson #cheapbastard

Being on Your Phone
I'm a confessed attention whore so if you take your phone out when we're alone I WILL be offended. If you check it really quick okay, but if you're really on it when it's only the two of us then that's an EPIC FAIL. I just really don't like it.

Communication is a two way street so no, I don't only wanna hear about you for two hours. I do love listening to people, but I also really enjoy when someone takes a noticeable interest in me and my life. Scratch that, I love it when someone is genuinely interested in what I have to say and makes me feel like it.

Peace Love & Chocolate

Monday, February 22, 2010

Enjoy Your Life Mofo!

"Any day above ground is a good day."

I've heard this quote a couple of times from different people, so I can't give credit to it's actual origin...but it's soooo true. Sometimes life really sucks. For example...bills suck, some other people just generally suck, accidents suck, failures and setbacks suck. Even though a lot of things in this world may suck, I truly believe the highs in life outweigh the lows. Even though breaking up sucks, people still seek out relationships knowing good and well that it might not work out...why? Because the happiness of being with the right person outweighs the heartache you may experience in finding them.

Anywho, when things suck I like realize that any day above ground is a good day and just like crappy shit had the opportunity to does unbelievable awesomeness. I have the opportunity to spend time with cool ass people, drink tasty drinks, and laugh at stuff like this...

I don't know what about that had me in tears the first time I saw just did. Smile, laugh, and "enjoy yourself, b*tches."

~ Peace Love & Chocolate

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Soldier of Love finally came out...Yipeee!

I ain't gonna lie, it's a little emo...but I love it. In this day and age where we are swamped with commercial doo doo garbage, it's refreshing to hear someone that speaks from their heart instead of being fueled by the almighty dollar. After everything is said and done, true quality reigns supreme and is ever lasting. I have no problem waiting another 10 years.

~ Peace Love & Chocolate

Monday, February 15, 2010


Life is slowly making me believe that peace is an intangible thing. Maybe it's only meant to be experienced in brief stolen moments. Like when you get to feel the warmth and softness of someone's skin or listen closely to the beat of their heart and depth of their breaths. When you're able close your eyes and listen to each rain drop hit the rooftop. When you're able to take in the beauty of the sunset and observe how the colors contrast the city skyline. Maybe true peace is reserved for the time when we leave this earth. Maybe God gives us glimpses of this peace through the connections we share with people, the beauty we see in nature, and the passion we hold in our hearts.

~ Peace Love & Chocolate

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Incredible Hulkette

You won't like me when I'm angry!!!

...or maybe you will. Hehe ;-)

Anyone who knows me knows I'm a really chill person. The untrained and foolish might even mistake me for boring(this has happened before). It turns out that the poor confused individual just didn't know how to have fun with me. I have the tendency to give everyone a chance even if I don't think things will go very far between us. So, while I'm hanging in there, people will see my attention waivering(I'm horrible at hiding how I really feel) and may think...hmmm this is kinda boring. just may kinda suck a little. Anywho, bottom line is that I try to be as calm cool and collected as I can be in all situations. Once you lose your cool, you lose your control and there's absolutely nothing sexy about that at all...or so I've thought.

Is it me or do guys like a girl more when she gets mad? I've had a dude purposefully try to get me angry just because he thought it would be sexy to see me in that state. Well he just ended up failing and never got a chance to see me like that. can yall be so predictable and make no sense at the same time?

Caramel in the summer...but never green(execpt for a few special circumstances that I won't share bc people love to get under my skin for some reason)

~Peace Love & Chocolate

Thursday, January 28, 2010

5 Common Mistakes Women Make in Relationships

I came across this letter on another blog that was sent to me by a friend. Normally I read a lot of these types of post that explain why us women are single and what we need to do. Rarely do they touch both sides of the field. Awemahgwad...wait...this one does! It's just real and that's all I can say. Enjoy


Before I begin or rather let you into what I have written, I must confess that I had completed this article months ago but was a bit apprehensive in publishing it. I didn’t want to come across as being judgmental and if after reading this you feel judged or put down as a woman, please excuse my unskilled delivery, for that is not my intent. And if you feel that I have crossed the line as a man in sharing these with you, do not hesitate to express your disdain for my impetus.

Having said that, I feel qualified to write this as a man because I stand as an unbiased observer and also one who has had the opportunity to take advantage of these mistakes. But I must confess, we as men have been @$#*%*$ . Where we should have given, we took; where we should have loved, we lusted and where we should have preserved, we devoured. As a Man, I must call myself to higher standards. Before I touch you, I must respect you like my mother, protect you like my sister and look out for your best interest like my baby – after all, that’s what I call you when I want you! We’ve failed to realize that the significance of our masculinity does not lie in how many girls we can dis-virgin but rather the honor we can bestow upon one. We fail to understand that the purpose of our strength and dominance is to defend and protect not to attack and destroy.

But the first mistake was not yours. You were born into a world that didn’t even give you the chance – the chance to be who you really are without any pressure or expectation. From day one you were unconsciously groomed from childhood to be an acceptable accessory to a man’s life. You were constantly made conscious of a false milestone that suggested your value was based upon a man finding you worthy to be his, instead of being made aware of who you are by virtue of your own unique existence. Your worth as a woman was reduced to two things; being a wife and your ability to bear a child – and in some cultures, you had to bear the right type of child. And if per chance you failed in one of these areas, you were nobody, no one – you were nothing.

Unfortunately, along the way, you may have made some mistakes in trying to fulfill this false notion of who you are supposed to be. Bad relationship after bad relationship continually emphasized the lie that you were nothing without a man. Not only do you sit there as one with mental wounds from childhood, but also with hurts and wounds that are self inflicted as you sincerely tried to fulfill the so called destiny of the woman – being someone’s woman.

As I share this with you, I do not come as one who claims to understand your plight, but rather I stand as one who has heard you. From my mother to my aunts to my cousins and my friends, I have heard you and will continue to listen whenever you speak.

That being said, I do not believe we are responsible for the things that are done or said to us, but I do know that we are responsible for allowing those things continue in us. It’s in this light that I share with you the five common mistakes women make in relationships.

Your Personal Standards! Don’t leave home without them!

By not setting your standard, you’ve just set the standard. The standards I speak of are not standards for the relationship; I speak of your personal standards irrespective of the relationship. What is your life’s moral compass? This could get a bit confusing, so let me explain. Often times, at a certain point in life, people turn to religion for some sort of moral guidance or law. It’s an acknowledgment of some sort that they have made numerous personal mistakes and are in probable search for a turn around. So you might have a young lady who’s been around the block and has now become a Christian, and professes that she will be celibate until she gets married thereby claiming this new belief to be her standard. This is a religious belief that she has now adopted and not a personal standard. Your personal standards are born and realized from within you and become your principles rather than a law. A principle is born out of understanding; an understanding of who you are and why you are here on this earth. If you are roaming the earth like a lost sheep in search of a man to give you relevance, you will always find yourself jumping from relationship to relationship with each one leaving you even more confused than you were in the beginning. But when you understand that you are not here by chance and your presence on this earth has significant relevance, the aura about you changes and the people and things you accept into your life will only be a reflection of your internal essence or your personal standard. A man can cause you to go against a belief because it was never yours in the first place, but he can never sway you away from your principle because you are one with your principle. A lady who lives from her principles takes personal responsibility for her own actions and responses. She takes charge and never leaves her fate to the opinions or actions of men. She doesn’t go on a date with every man that asks her out because she doesn’t need a man – she would want a man but she fully well understands that her worth is solely appraised on who she is and not who she’s with. She would not change her principle to have or keep a man. She’s doesn’t need to sleep with a man to have or keep him. She understands that whatever she can’t get by way of her principles will never be her own. That you are sleeping with a guy does not mean he’s yours. If you had to sleep with him to keep him, he was never yours in the first place. In the absence of your personal standards, you end up trying many things and many people, but you never experience the love that is already within you. Allow that love within to write your standards and begin to live from them. That love will never lead you astray, never ever!

Why are you making excuses for him…again?

I have come to observe that ladies often see the man as the prize. So once it looks like they have him – especially if he appears to be a good one – they want to do everything in their power to keep him. I understand that, but I don’t accept that and neither should you. You are the Prize. We should fight over you and want to do things to get and keep you. We should want to make sure you are ok. A man who loves and respects a woman will never want her in doubt when it comes her knowing of his feelings towards her. When we are crazy about a woman, we are no longer the reserved and non emotional creatures you think we are. We become a mess – drooling internally when we think of you. We would never want you to feel you are on shaky ground concerning your status with us. We will publicly profess and show you to the whole world. We will put up a picture with you in it as the our profile pic, tag you in all photos you appear in and most importantly make sure that our status box shows that we are in a relationship with you. Yup, that’s what we do when we love you – we say it out LOUD! And when we are out and about with you, our professions are usually crystal clear: ‘Meet my girlfriend, Sandra’ or ‘Meet my fiance, Sandra.’ Not, ‘Meet Sandra’ who is Sandra??? When we love you, we want the world to know that we love you. But I get amazed when ladies see the writing on the wall and continually make excuses to justify a man’s blatant abuse towards them. What do I mean? Take for instance the introductions highlighted above; He introduces you as just ‘Sandra’: you know you don’t like it, but you make an excuse within yourself and say, ‘he’s a private kinda guy, he doesn’t like to publicly show stuff.’ Really? Ok, let me ask, “Are you enrolled in midnight gymnastics with him?” In other words has he bent your body in ways you didn’t think possible? Well, there is only one thing worse than a guy sleeping with a woman in secret; and that is, a woman allowing that to happen. Before you allow a man do to you privately what can affect you publicly, he must first of all acknowledge you publicly as the woman he respects and loves. If he can’t do that, you need to tell me why you are still sticking around. How can you allow a man to knock you up when you are just ‘Sandra’ to him? You know you deserve better, so stop the excuses. Instead of making excuses for him, take charge – not of him or the relationship, but of yourself. Never remain in an environment where your integrity is compromised. Remember, you are the prize and we should work hard to get and keep you. And after all our hard work, you still have a right to say NO.

Why are you looking for ‘something’ in a bag of ‘nothings?’

A few years ago, a friend who was engaged was getting ready for her wedding which was just a couple of months away at the time. She called me occasionally during the preparation process, but on this one phone call, things were pretty bad. She was mad, upset, disappointed and unhappy that she was marrying this guy. So I asked her why she was still going on with the wedding if she felt the marriage wouldn’t work out. She said to me that she did not want the last four years of her life spent with him to go to waste. Hmmm! When she said this, I looked at my phone because I couldn’t look at her (she was in a different city) and in that instant – if I had a private jet – I would have flown to her city to give her a knock on her head – not a hard one, just a gentle knock – to help tilt her brain back to the center of her skull, because obviously it seemed out of balance with what she had just said to me. Let’s think about this, You are willing to screw up the next 50 years of your life, create babies in a hostile environment with a man you despise thereby screwing up the next generation, raising kids that would need therapy for the rest of their lives based on the abuse they will experience in that home, all because you don’t want the last four years of your life – 1,2,3,4 – to mean nothing (I’m having a headache just rehashing this story). So you are trying to create a love marriage from a four year crappy relationship. Needless to say, this lady was a young beautiful 28yr old lawyer. With good life habits she could easily live another healthy 50 years (Have you seen Barbara Walters lately? She’s 80). And here you are, willing to mortgage your future on four years with this jerk? She was desperately trying to make something out of nothing. That you’ve been in a long term relationship does not mean you should continually stay in it. Unfortunately for some ladies, it takes a while to see the light and muster up courage to get out of a bad situation. But when you see the light; RUN, GO, your life deserves it. If you don’t make that change, you’ll never know what’s out there? And when I say out there, I don’t mean what’s out there in another relationship; I mean what’s out there in you that you are yet to discover. Some of you ladies are afraid – afraid that you might not be married by a certain time. You begin the calculations, ‘Ok, I’m 28 now, if I break this up, how long will it take to find another guy and get married? Oooh! It may take another 4 years and I’ll be 32. No! I can’t be single at 30.” You are killing yourself with this kind of dialogue. Like she later said to me, she always saw herself married by 29. Needless to say, she was divorced by 29. They got married alright, but their divorce was made final before a possible 1st wedding anniversary. Sometimes we allow fear to dictate what we should do. We will never get from fear what love has to give. Love is bold, confident and fearless. Why are you scared? Why are you letting fear keep you in a relationship that you know you don’t want? Why do you want to marry a guy who has already made you feel like trash? Why are you choosing to be with someone you are not crazy about? Ok, so you are more concerned about looking good and successful on the outside at the expense of how you truly feel on the inside. You are too special for that. Let people think what they think, you know what you know and that’s all that should matter. Sometimes, we don’t believe; we don’t believe in ourselves, so we settle and then try to make something out of nothing. You can’t change another human being, it’s impossible. You haven’t even changed some things about yourself; how then do you think it possible to change another?

You’ve gotta think before you have his baby!

Often times when I’m in conversation with one of my numerous lady friends, something always cracks me up. I know they been having sex for years in and out of relationships and that fact is not hidden between us. But on some occasions, when I ask them if they have been pregnant before, their voice takes on a new tone of ‘How dare you?’ And then there is a resounding NO, like, ‘how could I get pregnant?’ Wait a minute! Am I missing something here? If you are having sex – sexual intercourse, you are potentially making a baby. You are filing an application. As soon as he ejaculates into you, the application is submitted and the outcome of that process is no longer left to you or him but to the Department of Conception. And if they approve it, you become pregnant whether you want it or not. Sex is not just about the pleasure derived, neither is it an antidote for loneliness. Sex is Responsibility; meaning you will have to respond to the outcome of that sexual encounter and sometimes it could be a lifetime of responses especially when a child is conceived. And when that child is born, you will forever have a symbol representing your union with your ex. Once a child is conceived, there is no moving on from that relationship. It begins the strongest bond known between a man and a woman. That man holds a special place in your heart regardless of how you feel about him today. You may have an abortion in trying to cut any future ties to this man, but may I have you know that the power of conception outweighs the power of birth. For something to be born, it has to be conceived. We are all on this earth first because of conception then birth. Without conception, there will be no birth but without birth there can be conception. A strong bond is created when you allow a man’s sperm to start life within you. It is a major privilege to give to someone and not everyone should have that kind of access to you. If a man is horny and wants to be relieved, tell him to use his hand. You are no object and certainly no substitute for a man’s hand. So if you don’t want to have his baby, don’t make his baby.

I know there’s Pressure, but why are you under it?

I have come to observe that whether she’s 21 or 29, she always feels she’s running out of time. One thing you must understand is that pressure is not real. You are real and when you give attention to or come under the dominance of something that is impotent, you give it potency – you give it power. That is why this thing we call ‘pressure’ has the effect it has. You give it the effect. You are the effect. Sometimes we are driven by those voices of ignorance that may have come from people we love, so we try hard to get into a relationship and make it work. “Oh! This one has to work cos I’m almost 30.” Screw him and screw 30. You are more valuable to yourself and to the world than the timeline of your eggs or your age. Your world will not come to an end if you are not married by 30; in fact, it may just be beginning!

A few years ago, a lady friend of mine, who was 21 at the time called me up to talk about her ‘man’ troubles. During our conversation, I observed that she had always been in a sexual relationship since she was 15. She confessed to me that she didn’t want to be alone; actually she didn’t know how to be alone. You see, you do yourself a huge injustice when you spend your formative years interrupted. Sex interrupts. It stops your creative and intellectual development and gives strength to your emotional cravings which should still be asleep. Your formative years are years you spend forming your person and your identity in readiness for your service to the world. Unfortunately, ladies give that time and space to some guy – a guy who may not even be in your life past your 30th birthday.

Have we as men failed you? Oh yes we have! As fathers some of us weren’t present in your young life. As uncles, instead of being fond of you, we fondled you. As friends we were more focused on the benefits instead of the sacrifice. We used you when we should have added value. We took advantage instead giving the advantage. We failed you quite all right, but you don’t have to do to yourself what we did to you – You don’t have to fail yourself. You can’t afford to fail yourself. You are the door to humanity. Life has to go through you to enter this earth. Even God needed a woman to come back into the world.

There’s no need to dumb yourself down or compromise your true integrity. We need the true you. We can’t exist without you and we will adjust to whatever standard you set for us – so why not make it high, why not make it YOU?

~ Peace Love & Chocolate

Monday, January 11, 2010

Can I have it?...Can I have it all?

I've been reading a lot of different blogs lately and it seems like talking about why Black women are and forever will be single is what's hot on the streets. We've all heard the statics that say the majority of Black women have never been married and how Black men outnumber us...blah blah blah. I'm not going to even waste my time with the exact number because they're just statistics i.e. not absolute. The only thing that you can be sure of in this world is that you will be leaving it one day, so I try not to let anyone tell me what will or won't be.

The reasons I've heard for Black women being single are valid, but they all stem from the same issue...society making us feel insecure about what we desire. I for one love Black might even say that they are my Kryptonite *superwoman*. It's not that I don't like men of other races or wouldn't consider dating outside of my race, but I prefer Black men and it's just simply that. I don't need outsiders telling me I should date outside of my race if I ever wanna be happy. I also don't need anyone telling me that the smarter I am, the more likely I am to be alone.
Black women are no different from all women in that we work and have careers. Most families honesty do not have the luxury of having just one parent stay at home while the other is the sole breadwinner. I know my family doesn't rock like that and I can't think of anyone's family whom I know personally that does. Despite having to work, many women still have to play the role of homemaker. Subsequently, while some of us want to be stay at home Moms and others want to be CEOs, a lot of us want both.

Those of us that want both put the career in the front seat because it's the one we think we have the most control over. Why put so much focus into finding something that isn't definite? I need to be able to provide for myself. If I continue to do me, the right man will come along if it's meant to be, etc. While I do agree with doing whatever it takes to be happy on your own, women need to be willing to invest just as much effort to having a SO as they do to having a successful career. Now I'm not saying to go out on 15 blind dates a week or constantly go out on the hunt for a husband. However, just as we would in school or any job, do your best to be as on point as possible so people notice and more opportunities for advancement are thrown your way. Even if you're just going down to the bodega, don't put any damn sweats on. Even if you're not crazy about the dude tryna holla in the club, you don't have to shut him down in the meanest way possible. If your feet hurt, find a nice spot to perch your butt and smile. If you're nervous, take a shot and dance like no ones watching. Be open to getting to know different people, even if he may not seem like your "type", he might turn out to be the best thing that ever happened to you. I am personally guilty of meanmuggin, being self-conscious, and over looking all types of dudes so I'm taking my advice just as much as I'm dishing it.

~Peace, Love & Chocolate

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A New Beginning

Helloooo there blog...its been a while. The crazy thing is that I've actually been in the middle of writing somewhat of a novel for the past couple of days and I just came back to see it was all erased. Maybe it was a way of my HP telling me to turn it the hell off...Anywho, I've chosen to take this as a sign as I have a lot of things in my life lately. When you find yourself continually writing and not able to stop something isn't right. I knew what I wanted to say but the more I wrote, the more I thought about my audience and the more unsatisfied I was with what I was writing. Maybe the more personal I got, the more I realized how imperfect I was...but no one's perfect right? So taking this a sign, I've had to rethink what I want this blog to be. After careful deliberation the verdict is that it will be whatever the eff I want it to be. It will be full of randomness from my perspective as I go on this journey called life.

~ Peace Love & Chocolate